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Our practice is based on the “concierge medicine” concept, also known as direct primary care, boutique medicine, and membership medicine.  “Highly attentive medicine” is perhaps the most accurate designation and is the term preferred by Dr. Howard Maron, who pioneered the concept in 1996 in Seattle.

DNA sequence


My Personal Physician’s strong, personal patient/doctor relationship provides you with:

  • 24/7 access to your medical provider and staff

  • unhurried office visits that start on time, house calls when needed

  • extraordinarily thorough screening to detect disease in its earliest, most treatable stages

  • referrals to the best local San Antonio and national specialists in the U.S.

Petri Dish with Bacteria


Today’s medical technology provides safe, proven ways to detect disease and the conditions that lead to disease at the earliest stage, when prevention and treatment are most successful.  Our succinct, standard protocols mandate the most thorough, timely and progressive screening available. We believe that My Personal Physician Boerne continues to be on the cutting edge of using the most up-to-date imaging and testing to find disease at its earliest stage.


Deep Screening Protocols

Unfortunately, acute heart attacks continue to be the leading cause of death in the USA. Due to this tragic fact, at My Personal Physician Boerne we do an early (at age 35), inexpensive screening calcium heart scan on all patients to search for/ detect visual blockage in heart arteries.

Breast cancer is the number one cancer by volume  in America at the moment. It's also had a dramatic increase in women in their 30s-40s. This is why at My Personal Physician Boerne, we start annual screenings at age 30. We use ultrasound as an adjunct imaging in all of our patients.

Most ovarian cancer is found at later stages because it is an asymptomatic cancer. At My Personal Physician Boerne, we start annual pelvic ultrasounds at age 40 to screen for this deadly disease.

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